Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I did not want to run today. Fact is, I almost never want  to run all day long. I, rather, wait for some sort of running muse to come along and nudge me: "Hey, dope, run!" it says to me somedays.

Beyond that, a friend asked me for help, so I spent five hours lending a hand, five hours that I hadn't planned on, and, let me be clear about this, I am one hard-core planning mami jami. For instance: I just finished my schooling this past summer, but I'd have my retirement party planned by now if I could land a job.

If I want to be spontaneous, I have to set aside time to do it.

Also, I run on a ten-day schedule: 1. long run, 2. off, 3. maintenance, 4. maintenance, 5. hill or speed workout, 6. maintenance, 7. maintenance, 8. tempo run, 9. maintenance, 10. maintenance. And I hate maintenance: usually slow and short.

To recap: a. no muse today, b. broken schedule, c. maintenance blah.

Still, in the name of a sustained, consistent effort, I got out there. I ran a 3.6 mile loop (30:26) at my run-slow, run-short, maintenance pace. Forgive my early whining -- it (the whining) was ony to illustrate a point: he run was great. It is always so hard to remember how much better a run can make me feel when I feel bad. I can't remember the last time I ran and thought, "Ehhh, I wish I hadn't done that!" Nor can I count the number of times I've taken that first step, activated those running chemicals -- I don't know what they are, but I know they're in there -- and felt great afterwards.

Further, I don't know if I would have gone out there today if I hadn't wanted to blog about it. So, thank you, blog. And if any body ever follows along, thank you in advance.

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