Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First Negative Splits of the New Year

I dragged the crapradoodle along the 3.4 mile out (22:30) and back (17:30) this afternoon. This is one of the few workouts where I actually get to employ the Jackson Principle (run uphill first), because we live at the top of a hill. We have to run the crest (is that a real word related to hills?) and head up the next hill over which is at least a little bit taller.

So that's part of the reason the out was so much slower. Another part was the crapradoodle living up to her name.

Another part was bumping into a friend who also had a dog on a leash (well, we use a ratchet strap, but you get the picture). So, while our dogs barked and growled and stood on their hind legs, my buddy and I stood around yelling, what? what? what's that? how you doing? what? how's the thing? great! great? great? great! what? I said, what? and the dogs kept barking and slavering, what? are . . .? no, go head, no you, no, what? beer? see you Friday. Okay, take care. So, in case any body's wondering, I have plans now for the weekend.

The run was rainy, but not as cold as 11 January could be. I am still terribly sore form Monday's Mile Repeats, and I am still trying to figure how to sneak in a two-hour run tomorrow, but that's the past and the future, those two wily moments just outside of my control.

Friday: 7.5
Saturday: 3.4
Sunday: ------
Monday: 8.4
Tuesday: 3.4
Wednesday: 3.4

Previous: 30.7

Year To Date: 37.5 miles.

Running Days: 7
Days off: 4

Tallying is the best. I get to use my abacus

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